Reflection on the CourseThis course in Critical Reflection in Adult Learning and Education (IMAESC II615) with Dr Pavlos Hatzopoulos so far enabled me to look into…Oct 19, 2021Oct 19, 2021
A Review of Academic PaperThe article authored by Kaisu Malkki (2012) titled “Rethinking Disorienting Dilemmas Within Real-Life Crises: The Role of Reflection in…Oct 19, 2021Oct 19, 2021
Narrative of Martial Law Victims in the PhilippinesThe story of martial law rule in the Philippines is a very touchy issue. I think every narrative that are political in nature are situated…Oct 18, 2021Oct 18, 2021
Anxiety as Key to Critical ReflectionI believe that anxiety plays an important role that opens up a person to critical reflection. Based on the words of Mezirow (2000), we try…Oct 17, 2021Oct 17, 2021
On Ideology CritiqueA classmate of mine posed a very provocative question: “Does it always have to be an ideology critique to become aware of how the supremacy…Oct 17, 2021Oct 17, 2021
Approaches to Critical ReflectionI will try to make sense of the divergences you made about the four approaches to critical reflection: (1) critical theory, (2)…Oct 17, 2021Oct 17, 2021
My Learning Map on Critical ReflectionWe are asked by our professor, Dr Pavlos Hatzopoulos, to create and post a short but informative piece of learning content mapping the main…Oct 17, 2021Oct 17, 2021
Emancipation through Contradictory ConsciousnessThe prevailing ideology of our times, while penetrates every aspect of our life as social and individual beings, fails to completely…Oct 17, 2021Oct 17, 2021
Reflection on doing a research proposalBeing in a master’s programme like this, I am not just in a typical graduate school. First and foremost, we are trained to become…Apr 28, 2021Apr 28, 2021
On designing a framework and research instrumentsFirst of all, shoutout to my groupmates Justyna Ataman, Kenneth Nkumire, and McRhon Banderlipe for a job well done. I must admit that the…Mar 26, 2021Mar 26, 2021